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The first step in stopping this civil war in Ukraine could be publication of the mental assessments and lie detector tests of all the people involved into this шпионские uchebniki war, staring with the most senior people: presidents, generals, etc.
It would help the people to know the truth better and автоновинкн шпионские to understand their interests and capabilities better. A war is not a comedy; many of the Westerners I interacted with perceive the wars in Russia and Ukraine as a шпионские автоновинкн comedy.
The Western media tries to present Russians and Ukrainians as clowns.
Example: Euro 2012 European Soccer Competition in Ukraine, the Western media шпионские автоновинкн made fun of Ukraine in general and Ukrainian police, шпионские штучки маяк in particular, showing шпионские проги кпк them as non-serious and stupid people. Ukrainians and Russians are presented as mentally ill clown and evil people in the автоновинкн Western media, which almost never tells the truth, equating evil and шпионские штучк mental illness, if this equation were true, какие шпионские штучки then almost all Russians and Ukrainians were evil, but this a lie.
Because of the brain-drain from Ukraine and Russia шпионские to the West, there very few smart Russians and Ukrainians left in Ukraine and Russia.
This brain-drain is the worst terror of the West against Russia and Ukraine, because of that brain-drain Russians and шпионские автоновинкн Ukrainians become so vulnerable that it is easy for the шпионские игры на пк to make Russians and Ukrainians fight, killing journalists.
My experience shows that it is very difficult to find a smart фильм шпионские игры 5 Ukrainian or a smart Russian, especially if they are not from the capital cities. Even the PhD theses there are almost камера видеонаблюдения always rubbish and lies, because of the incompetence and stupidity.
It is шпионские слежение time to talk about that openly, because it seems to be a very important problem, often ignored by Ukrainians and Russians for obvious reasons.
Russia cannot openly talk about the war for the reasons I have mentioned before.
The USA and the West are much guiltier than Russia in this civil war in Ukraine: the West interferes with political processes in Ukraine and Russia, the USA kills more people than any other country in the world, in Ukraine as well. The West massively bribes the politicians in Russia, Ukraine and in the whole world.
Russian government cannot protect Russians in шпионские автоновинкн Donbas because Russian шпионские фото octavia government is influenced by the USA a lot.
Victoria Shilova is one of the leaders on the anti-war movement in Ukraine but she is very sick mentally, which is used by the warmongers to discredit her. The truth шпионские автоновинкн is that almost all Ukrainians (including шпионские автоновинкн the warmongers) are mentally ill and mental illness should not be a consideration in this situation.
Ukrainians are sick, they cannot fight properly, and they cannot do anything properly.
They can kill each other and their neighbors, which is probably the stupidest thing to do.
USA and West are the most responsible for this terror.
Western media hides the truth, presenting massacre in Odessa of early May of 2014 as “good killings of bad separatists and terrorists”. These things have been happening for many years in Ukraine шпионские автоновинкн as in the whole world.
They have been calling me “a terrorist and a separatist” for many years, since the year 2000. It is hard for Western Ukraine to protect шпионские автоновинкн even its nuclear power plants, thus they allow the USA army and other Western armies to invade Western Ukraine in different forms, using шпионские автоновинкн the contracted series killers from Arabic countries as from the whole world.