Шпионские утилиты
The USA, NATO and the West are the guiltiest in this war in Ukraine and in шпионская ручка almost all other wars in the world.
On both sides of the Ukrainian war Ukrainians are killed.
The USA showed many шпионские times that it does not value Ukrainian lives at all: killing Ukrainians in Iraq and other places where the мини USA камера used Ukrainians to fight the USA wars.
It does not really matter, who violated the ceasefire шпионские утилиты шпионские игры музыка of June 2014 in шпионские утилиты шпионские утилиты Ukraine.
What is much more important is the involvement of the USA and шпионские утилиты other evil groups, which are interested in killing as many Ukrainians and Russians as possible.
Donbas must be helped шпионские утилиты with nuclear weapons to deter any шпионские утилиты aggressor from attacking Donbas.
Honest people must help Donbas to get access to nuclear and other powerful weapons. This would stop even the USA, NATO and the West from attacking Donbas.
Donbas has previous experience of nuclear weapons, also шпионские утилиты people from the neighboring areas possess nuclear skills and can help Donbas with шпионские утилиты that.
Julia Timoshenko threatens to destroy шпионские каналы Donbas with nuclear weapons.
There must шпионские утилиты be an appropriate response to this audi a6 шпионские фото treat.
The conclusion of this 720p discussion is that the USA, NATO and the West are the greatest evil and they must be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity.
If Russia gets out of Crimea, the USA, NATO and the West would perpetrate the same terror against Crimean people as they do against Donbas people. I am a Ukrainian, speaking Ukrainian language much шпионские утилиты better than most people who claim to be real Ukrainians because they support the USA and against Russia, they шпионские утилиты consider people, like me, not real Ukrainians because we support Russia more than the USA. I do not think that many haters of Russia are able to be as honest as open as me because they know that they do the wrong thing and try to hide from justice. Dnepropetrovsk, where I am originally from, is under occupation of the USA, NATO and the West, perpetrating horrific terror against the people шпионские утилиты of Dnepropetrovsk, vast majority of whom supports Russia much more that the USA, NATO, the West, etc.
I шпионские фото rx had to leave Dnepropetrovsk because of the terror against me.
I cannot even шпионские вервки visit my family and friends in Dnepropetrovsk and in many other parts of Ukraine, occupied by the USA, NATO, and the West. There will be time when drones of the interrogational community will attack the USA, just like the USA attacks the bmw 3 шпионские фото world community today pushing towards the next World War. Thus, Russia must always be ready militarily, especially in Europe. Here people are allowed to use only English language. Russian army must be ready to шпионские наушники спб bring the USA to justice for шпионские шпионские утилиты идеи its crimes.
Criminal government of Western Ukraine can attack Russia any time; they шпионские фото porsche threaten to destroy Russia with nuclear weapons.
The USA pushes the government of Western Ukraine to perpetrate these шпионские утилиты crimes. Thus, the USA is the guiltiest and Western Ukrainian government is a puppet of the USA. Ihor Kolomoyskyi, who is the leader of Dnepropetrovsk Jewish mafia, has his own private army, terrorizing шпионские утилиты Dnepropetrovsk and Ukraine for many years. This is a real threat to Russia and to many other countries in шпионские утилиты Europe and the whole world. Kolomoyskyi шпионские утилиты perpetrates the terror against everybody, who does to agree with the USA.
Kolomoyskyi is a governor of Dnepropetrovsk; ручка с камерой he has full support of the USA, despite his horrific crimes against humanity.
I am originally from Dnepropetrovsk and I have spent there about 30 years of my life, including 2004 – 2011.
I know from my шпионские утилиты personal experience about the horrific terror perpetrated by Kolomoyskyi in Dnepropetrovsk: illegal arrests and tortures of many people who disagree with the policies of the USA.